Lawn Servicing, lawn treatment and maintenance
what every lawnowner needs to know


Whatever your question, Lawn Servicing can reassure you

Q.Is my lawn so old and worn that it is beyond repair?

A.Never. Lawn Servicing can restore any lawn, whatever it's age and state of neglect and decay.

Q.How long will it take to rejuvenate my lawn?

A.Two weeks should see new life in your lawn.

Q.Why can't I rejuvenate my lawn myself?

A.Professional results demand professional strength - of products and application. These treatments are not available over the counter to the general public.

Q.I have pets and children. How safe are these treatments?

A.Your lawn is quite safe to use by pets and children once the treatments are dry. Obviously, drying times depend on weather conditions, so common sense dictates when it is safe to let play commence!

Q.Lawn Servicing treatments may benefit my lawn, but will they bug my Gardener?

A.They really shouldn't. You will still need your trusty Gardener for all their million-and-one gardening skills and responsibilities. As our professional-strength treatments may only be applied by qualified staff, our services will be a boon to them and showcase their efforts to best effect.

Q.Will all this cost the earth?

A.Not at all. It has been proved that our treatments actually cost less than over-the-counter products, which prove less effective in the long run as they do not cater for your lawn's individual requirements. There are no short cuts to healthy, good-looking grass!

Q.Why should I take your word for it?

A.Listen to what our customers say. We have been successfully in the business for over 25 years with numerous customers returning over and over again. We have the testimonials to prove it – this site is peppered with them!

Q.Do you comply with industry standards?

A.Yes. Lawn Servicing is wholly standards compliant with the Licenses to prove it.

Any more questions? Don't hesitate to contact us –
freephone 0800 258 5280 or complete our contact form

Scarifying • Reseeding • Verticutting • Top Dressing • Fertilising Weed Eradication • Treatment of Moss and Turf Diseases • Prevention of Wormcasts • Correction of Acidity

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